
CV and List of Publications

Download full CV here (the date indicates the last update of the file):


Prof. Dr. Dario Martinelli (1974), musicologist and semiotician, is Full Professor of History and Theory of Arts at Kaunas University of Technology, and is also affiliated to the University of Helsinki, as Adjunct Professor in Semiotics and Musicology, and to the University of Lapland, as Adjunct Professor in Methodologies of Semiotics and Communication Studies.

He graduated at Bologna University in 1999, under the supervision of Prof. Gino Stefani, and earned his PhD at Helsinki University in 2002, under the supervision of Prof. Eero Tarasti. He regards these two scholars as his most important academic mentors. A full map of his academic influences is visualized here:

As of 2023, he has published 15 monographs and ca. 200 among edited collections, studies and scientific articles. His most recent monographs include: The Beatles and the Beatlesque – A crossdisciplinary Analysis of Sound, Production and Stylistic Impact (Springer, 2023) The Intertextual Knot – An Analysis of Alfred Hitchcock’s Rope (Springer, 2021), What You See Is What You Hear – Creativity and Communication in Audiovisual Texts (Springer, 2020), Give Peace a Chant – Popular Music, Politics and Social Protest (Springer, 2017), Basics of Animal Communication (CSP, 2017), Arts and Humanities in Progress (Springer 2016), Lights, Camera, Bark! (Technologija, 2014), Authenticity, Performance and Other Double-Edged Words (Acta Semiotica Fennica, 2011), A Critical Companion to Zoosemiotics (Springer, 2010). He also wrote a monograph of the “popular philosophy” type, entitled Lettera a un futuro animalista (Mursia, 2014), and translated in Lithuanian under the title Laiškai sūnui vegetarui (Kitos Knygos, 2017).

Besides his affiliations, he has been visiting professor in four academic institutions, and has been giving lecture courses in fourteen different academic institutions in Europe.

His academic interests are summarized in this research map:


A common denominator in these research paths is the theoretical platform called “Numanities”, that Martinelli has developed and disseminated in various ways, including three organized international congresses and a Springer book series he founded and directed until 2023. Numanities are devoted to the rethinking of the role and paradigm of humanities in nowadays society.

He has been recipient of several prizes, including, in 2006, a knighthood from the Italian Republic for his contribution to Italian culture.